EA Online Ad Campaigns

A fictitious documentary film director “Bo” was made to advertise this unbelievable NBA street games. A look and feel captures the 8mm camera quality throughout the campaign. The ad “Bo’s journey” contains five videos of fictitious game films on the real street courts of where NBA players have grown up. The video scripts and edits were created only for the online advertising purpose as well.


(The ad requires a Flash player.)

What happens to bring all famous Marvel characters and make them fight each other? Who’s the baddest superhero? When the “Power’s That Be” ad opens up with a crash of two weapons of Wolverine and Johnny OHM, the hot spot expand ad goes more depth about each character with an unique real-time video interaction. The video ad displays a cool trailer of the game.


(The ad requires a Flash player.)

The Warhammer has six races in the game which are grouped in two: Order – The Empire, High Elves, and Dwarves. Destruction – Chaos, Dark Elves, and Greenskins. The propaganda print posters were created for each race and these ads have combined two of them for the online purpose with a continuous fluid motion. 


(The ad requires a Flash player.)

EA Game has produced the game after the movie ‘Batman Begins’. The theme was “Fear is your weapon.” Over the page ad begins with an intriguing entrance of bats forming the batman emblem in which plays a trailer video.  The animation ends in a timed continuation ad on the same page. The launch ad plays a swarming bat animation to reveal the game screen shots.


(The ad requires a Flash player.)