Microsoft Windows 8 Global Online Ad Campaign
Microsoft launched Windows 8 operating system in October 2012 and revolutionized the computer industry by making all of their PCs touch capable. R/GA was the agency to lead all of their digital campaigns. I was responsible for designing online ads and the mobile landing site, static ads, as well as a concept idea for their prelaunch social media contents.
Role: Sr. Art Director
Prelaunch Social Microsite Concept
A concept for this microsite experience is to provide an online space for a millions of big fan of Windows 8 at a 3 months prior to the official launch date and to have them download the OS, interact among each other, find new apps, and get hyped about all-new way of the personal computer.

(The demo requires a Flash player.)
Times Square Digital Billboard Take-Over (Test Run)
The team in NY tested a digital billboard take-over execution at Times Square during a late night of 10 days before the official launch date of the Windows 8 computers.
Global Online Ad Execution
"Start with what you love"
(The demo requires a Flash player.)
PC Selector
Ultra Books
"Flip. Don't click with IE10."
Xbox Music
Print and Static Digital Ad