Hiroyoshi Mori

A strategic creative director and a hands-on senior UI/UX designer with a proven track record of leading a product design and development in both Silicon Valley, California U.S.A. and Tokyo, Japan. With over 30 years of experience in both print and digital marketing and product design, I am committed to bringing innovative solutions and a strong work ethic to any team. My ability to judge what should be focused and not be focused at an intensive work environment, has enabled me to bring calmness and a clear path to peers and clients. Nothing can be achieved without a great teamwork. Passionate about continuous learning and growth, I always seek challenges to further develop my expertise and contribute to an innovative vision.





• Obtain Permanent Visa for Japan / 日本永住権取得

Present City Living/現住所






Job Area/業務地域

2018-Present (7 years):Tokyo/東京

1997-2018 (22 years):San Francisco Bay Area/サンフランシスコベイエリア


Latest Education/最終学歴

Ringling College of Art + Design, Florida(1993-1997)

• Graphic Design Major/グラフィックデザイン専行

• Trustee Scholar and President Award Winner (Only one person in a senior year receives the both.) / トラスティ奨学金受給者・大学長賞(最後の4年目で1人だけ受けられる名誉ある賞を両方受賞)




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