Data Platforms
Insight360 by Truvalue Labs
TruValue Labs is a first company to apply AI to encover timely objective ESG data to identify both risks and opportunities at the speed of current events. It is a part of FactSet since 2018, leading financial data, market analysis & insights. I worked at TruValue Labs as a lead designer during 2016-2017 and established the initial visual data set of the platform system which included a SASB view of sustainability.
TruValue Labsは世界初であるAIとESGデータを掛け合わせて、投資市場のリスクと機会を、最新イベントが起こるスピードで測るウェブ上のデータプラットフォームを開発しました。2018年以降の現在はFactSetの機関として活用されています。私は2016-2017の間の初期のリードデザイナーとして、このSASBの持続可能性を分析・評価するデータを織り込んだデータプラットフォームのデザイン開発に従事しました。
FACTEV is a web-based EV adapt simulator which finds the best suited EV that will match a current driving record of gasoline or hybrid cars. The algorithm calculates whether or not EV they choose could: ① Manage all current drivings without any worry of SOC or SOH during years owning, ② See an actual driving distance of each month which changes depending on where they live and how they drive, ③ Assess economic efficiency of cost between gas and electricity, and lastly ④ See how much CO2 it reduces. My role as a lead UI/UX designer is to design the entire platform architecture from an UI/UX stand point.