Product Design


Beats by Dr. Dre

R/GA was asked to come up an interesting graphic solution for Beats by Dr. Dre headphones during the London Olympic 2012. My solution was to use the motif of national flags in a bold and contemporal way for all Olympians, but the medal-favarite Olympians had an option to wear more expressive design version.


2010 Medal Candidate Olympian model

2010 Olympian model


Primo Patio Cafe Signage

Primo Patio Cafe blends an unique mix of fresh ingredients and Caribbean-style spices. It is located in the midst of contemporary urban setting of San Francisco SOMA. Along with designing the restaurant logo, I also designed and produced the street signage and the restaurant storefront to match the authenticity of their food which stands out in the cityscape of SF SOMA.   


Street Signage Stand