Corporate Branding



FACTEV is a web-based EV adapt simulator which finds the best suited EV. The service concept goes beyond it - creating the ability to track EV’s driving and charging data, evaluating the condition of used EVs and batteries, and supporting the sustainable circulation for repurpose and recycle, which all needs a correct data. With knowing the encompassing vision, I named the service simply “FACTEV” and created the logo design to express them all. I also strategized the brand tonality for all communication materials and product brandings for their present and future business. 




MobiSavi is a mobility data company which is curved out of DeNA, Inc. in 2025 to operate FACTEV as their main product. As a creative director and a lead designer of the FACTEV business, I named this new company “MobiSavi” which expressed “Mobility”and “Savvy” and derived “Wabisabi” - a Japanese concept of appreciation for impermanence and simplicity, which both are a core of their mobility business.   

MobiSaviは2025年にDeNAからカーブアウトし、FACTEVをメインプロダクトして持つモビリティデータ会社です。私は、このFACTEVサービスのクリエイティブディレクター兼リードデザイナーとして、この新会社の命名とロゴデザインを作成しました。「Mobilityに “Savvy(精通した)”チーム」と「“ワビサビ”の精神を持つチーム」の2つを組み合せたのが由来になります。



Sompo De Noru is a car subscription service with maintenance and insurance included. It is co-established by DeNA and SOMPO Holdings called “DeNA SOMPO Carlife” in 2019. I was an initial member of the business as a creative director and a lead designer to begin with designing the company logo and the service logo, setting the whole branding styles and tones for a numerous marketing collaterals. 

SOMPOで乗ーるはメンテや保険がコミコミのクルマサブスクサービスです。SOMPOホールディングスとDeNAにより「DeNA SOMPO Carlife」という新会社を2019年に設立しました。この初期メンバーのクリエイティブディレクター兼リードデザイナーとして私は参画し、新会社ロゴとサービスロゴのデザインから制作開始しました。



Mobileframe has pioneered the field of user configurable mobile application software. Their clients such as Cisco, Sun, IBM, etc. are enable to have their field workers to access their databases remotely by a click of their regular mobile phone. The logo design is subtly shaped as a holding hand. A look of 3D cube encompasses a weight of technology industry in the world.

Mobileframeは2003年に作業現場でデータベースにアクセスが可能となる携帯ソフトウェア開発を先駆されました。Cisco, Sun, IBMなどが契約しています。私はこのソフトウェアを手と技術の形を正方形に模してロゴデザインを作成しました。



EnVision broadcasts the beauty of nature of all over the world from satellite cameras and the space. An important part of this design was to express the scale of the broadcasting by depicting the earth from the space in an unique way.



SouthPark Media Company

SouthPark Media Company takes care of event and video productions for the companies such as AMD, Google, Visa, etc. The logo was kept simple with a typographical execution with a contemporary typeface, Close Call. The stationery system used a hint of embossing to portray a high quality of their services.

SouthPark Media CompanyはAMD, Google, VISAなどのイベント製作を請け負うプロダクション会社です。ロゴデザインはシンプル且つユニークなタイポグラフィスタイルで形成させ、名刺ではプロダクトの質へのこだわりを伝える狙いで、ロゴに浮き出し加工印刷を施し高級感を演出しました。



Aero is an architecture company. An idea of “flight” and respect to “Nature” came to my mind from its name in order to create their identity logo. A butterfly symbol was chose to express the airy feel, yet one half of it was depicting the Golden Rectangle - a perfect floor plan ratio user by Ancient Greek.



PrimoPatio Cafe

Primo Patio Cafe blends a unique mix of fresh ingredients and Caribbean-style spices. They prepare a healthy, value-priced tasty meal at a lovely patio space in the midst of contemporary urban setting of San Francisco SOMA. The logo design was to portray such oasis-like character and friendly staffs.

Primo Patio Cafeは、サンフランシスコのSOMAと呼ばれるアーバンエリア内に、素敵なパティオがある空間で、新鮮な食品素材とスパイスをブレンドさせたカリビアンスタイルの食事ができるレストランです。ロゴデザインはそういった都会のオアシスとフレンドリーなレストランスタッフをイメージして作成しました。