Recent work
I support global climate change to reduce greenhouse gases. What I would like to do as a designer is exploring new solutions for mobility businesses and services; to switch gasoline cars to EVs or switch between EVs at ease, to make EV and autonomous car experience safer and more entertaining, and lastly, to support a sustainability and a reuse life cycle of EV and batteries.
Mobility Data Platform(モビリティデータプラットフォーム)
FACTEV is a web-based EV adapt simulator which finds the best suited EV that will match a current driving record of gasoline or hybrid cars. The algorithm calculates whether or not EV they choose could: ① Manage all current drivings without any worry of SOC or SOH during years owning, ② See an actual driving distance of each month which changes depending on where they live and how they drive, ③ Assess economic efficiency of cost between gas and electricity, and a total cost of ownership, and lastly ④ See how much CO2 it reduces to pursue a carbon neutral goal for 2030-2040.
My role as a creative director as well as a lead UI/UX designer starts from creating this product name “FACTEV” to designing its logo, the entire platform architecture from an UI/UX stand point, and to build marketing strategical communication materials including from its informational website design to a seminar program content.
Company: DeNA., Inc.
Position: Creative Director and Lead Designer to design and manage following; Product Logo and Branding, Data Platform Architecture and UI/UX. Product Marketing Strategist. Speech Architect

Work: Product UI/UX Design, Product Service Website, Product Support Movie

Work: Business Seminar Content Design

Work: Product Naming, Product Logo Design, Product Branding and Structuring Strategy

Work: Print and Marketing Materials
“Solar energy is unlimited. Use less fossil fuel for new mobility. ”
Autonomous Ride-Hailing Taxi Service(無人自動運転車のタクシーサービス)

EasyRide is an autonomous ride-hailing service that is co-established by Nissan and DeNA and tested through 2017 to 2020 in Yokohama, Japan where over three million people resides. I am assigned to manage its second year til the end as a lead designer to redesign the mobile app, newly created the on-board guidance, and the control system UI, plus the user testimonial video and the informational website for the marketing materials. The car is a level-3 automation, which is the driver and the support engineer have to be on-board for an emergency and collecting stats. Because of traffic laws that are not ready for an autonomous car to run, there are a lot of challenges to work with the local government, but it was a very technologically advanced project and exciting to be part of the mobility experience of future.
Company: DeNA., Inc.
Position: Creative Director and Lead Designer to design and manage following; Mobile App, On-Board Guidance, Control System UI/UX, and Website
Work: How It Works Video

Work: EasyRide Mobile App Design

Work: EasyRide On-Board Guidance Design
Work: EasyRide Mobile App Video: How It Hails EasyRide with the App
Work: EasyRide Mobile App Video: How It Gets On Board EasyRide with the App
Work: EasyRide On-Board Guidance Video

Photos: EasyRide Control Room and Control System UI Design

Overview Photos
“Learn a lot from such a tremendous experience of an autonomous car business.”
Autonomous Ride-Delivery Service(無人自動運転車のデリバリーサービス)
Video: Concept Promotion (Above Top), Autonomous Car Driving and Product Test (Above Bottom)
RobonekoYamato is co-established by Yamato Logistics and DeNA and tested through 2016 to 2018 in Fujisawa, Japan. The business model is to be able to order groceries online from any number of stores and the autonomous car picks them up and delivers them to you altogether at the time and the place you request. Since the autonomous car is not ready at the time, there is a driver to drive the car, but placing the goods by the stores and picking them up by customers were taken places without any help of the driver as if it is an autonomous service.
My job is mainly to manage the product’s marketing and the service application; designing more enticing purchase experience by photographing goods better, producing SNS marketing, and creating a new delivery service scheme.
People in Fujisawa city and the local store owners loved RobonekoYamato, but the service was terminated after two years due to an unknown development timing of an autonomous car.
Company: DeNA., Inc.
Position: Creative Director and Lead Designer to design and manage following; Website and EC Content, Print and Digital Ad, Chat, Photography of Store Items and Goods

Work: E-Commerce Site Design and Content Management, Marketing Website

Work: Chat App Ad Campaign, Print Ad Campaign and Store Site Campaign implementation, Photoshoot of Store Items and Goods, In-Store Signage and Delivery UI System
Test Area: Tsujido-Kugenuma Area, Fujisawa
Demo: User Flow
Testimonial: Store Owner
Testimonial: User
“Robonekoyamato was successful and greatly appreciated by people and store owners in Fujisawa city. They are waiting for the level-5 autonomous car to become reality soon. ”
SOMPO de noru
Full-Service Car Subscription Service(全てコミコミのマイカーリースサービス)
Work: Brand Poster Design

Work: Above: Company Logo Design (First), Service Logo Design (Second), Stationery Design (Last)
Sompo De Noru is a car subscription service with maintenance and insurance included. It is co-established by SOMPO Holdings and DeNA called “DeNA SOMPO Carlife” in 2019. DeNA uses their IT know-how to sell a product online while SOMPO Holdings has over 20 million auto insurance customers with a car maintenance network to change a holistic buying and owning experience of a car.
I was an initial member of the business as a creative director and a lead designer; creating the company logo and the service logo, setting the whole branding styles and tones to design a numerous print collaterals, online ads, and a marketing website with a EC content to it.
An auto lease service had not been known well in Japan, but making life simple by putting the maintenance and insurance fees together with the car payment and having them all buy online is gradually, but surely accepted by people in Japan.
Company: DeNA., Inc.
Position: Creative Director and Lead Designer to design and manage following; Company and Service Logo, Branding, Corporate and Marketing Collaterals, Website with EC Content, Print and Digital Ad

Work: Brochure Design, Guidebook Design
Work: Marketing Flyer Design

Work: Website Design

Work: Brand Persona Selection, Creative Direction for Photoshoot, 3-D Car Modeling, Environment, Look & Feel Design
Work: Car Fact Sheet Design
SOMPOで乗ーるはメンテや保険がコミコミのクルマサブスクサービスです。2019年にSOMPOホールディングスとDeNAが合弁会社「DeNA SOMPO Carlife」を設立した中のメインサービスになります。SOMPOホールディングスが持つ2,000万人以上の車保険のお客さまとメンテナンス工場のネットワークに、DeNAの持つITノウハウとブランディングマーケティングデザインを合わせて事業を推進しています。
“Buying a car from a car insurance company has changed a customer’s perception about owning a car.”
Integrated Cockpit UI (Personal Project in 2015)
車載コクピットシステムデザイン(個人企画 2015)
I have created four scenarios of a cockpit UI/UX design which showcases my vision for the future of a digital age of an auto industry, back in 2015. (私は2015年にまだ車業界がデジタル化しようとしていた頃に期待を馳せ、独自で車載コクピットシステムデザインの今後のビジョンを示す4つのシナリオを作成してみました。)
Scenario 1 : Luxury Sport Sedan in 4 years from 2015
Use available engineering resource in 2015, but make it better than what it’s in the market at the time. (2015年のエンジニアリソースをそのまま活用しながらも、より良いデザインシステムの姿は描く。)
Driver Instrument: RPM Mode Selected
Driver Instrument: Gear Shift Mode Selected

Driver Instrument: Dual Screens of Regular Speedometer and Navigation or Music and Others

Center Instrument: Home, Navigation, Music, Gas Efficiency, Trip Data, etc.
Center Instrument
Photo Album
Scenario 2 : Hybrid Sedan in 5 years from 2015
Push the technological condition in 2015, and find what could do it to enhance the customer’s everyday driving quality. (2015年に存在するテクノロジーを駆使して、お客さまの日常のドライブの質を上げるための施策はないか?)

Create a middle info graphic area between a driver instrument and a center console. Driver can control and customize what stays in the info graphic are and the driver instrument depending on a personal preference.
Scenario 3 : Luxury Coupe in 10 years from 2015
Predict a full condition of a digital cockpit design in 2025. (2015年から10年でどのぐらいのデジタルコクピットデザインの進化があるかを予測)

Dashboard becomes a flat one monitor. Music, Video, Online Meeting. Your smart phone schedule is more integrated in the dashboard design.
Scenario 4 : Luxury Sedan in 15 years from 2015
Predict the design when a full autonomous driving condition is in place in 2030. (2015年から15年で完全な自動運転時代が到来してきたデザインを予測)

Steering wheel can be stored inside and the center console panel becomes a monitor for either a driver only or s split use between a driver and a passenger.

“It requires keen eyes to predict and analyze the future to design UX/UI.”
DeNA Inc.: COrporate COMMUNICATION Strategy
When the president of DeNA, Inc. have a public stage-talk opportunity at some event, my peer and I take the role of preparing the script. Creating smoothness and crescendo of the whole composition of the script, I was responsible of creating graphics to make the talk easy to understand and keep the audience entertained and focused.
Company: DeNA., Inc.
I am also responsible of creating a speech and/or a seminar presentation of FACTEV. My job is to make complicated materials simple to understand; for example, a proper understanding of EV and renewable energy adaption, and how we can make mobility business sustainable in the future.