


FACTEV is a web-based EV adapt simulator which finds the best suited EV that will match a current driving record of gasoline or hybrid cars. The marketing website explains how FACTEV can help a smooth transition of a corporation’s EV adaption, and to reset sales representative’s skill to be confident about EVs backed by FACTEV’s data sets.

Company: DeNA, Inc.

Position: Creative Director and Lead Product Designer



EasyRide is an autonomous ride-hailing service tested through 2017 to 2020 in Yokoyama, Japan. The website informs the vision and the concept of EasyRide that are a new mobility in the future being bright and DeNA and Nissan are investing forward in a mobility technology and business. 

Company: DeNA, Inc.

Position: Creative Director and Lead Product Designer



Sompo De Noru is a car subscription service with maintenance and insurance included. Not only the marketing website welcomes customers with a warm and kind tonality, but also it makes the car-owning process so easy, that the subscription service becomes a new car-owning option for many people.

Company: DeNA, Inc.

Position: Creative Director and Lead Product Designer


Toyota Dealer Association

Toyota Dealer Associations of America needs a new website to provide a template for the dealerships in six U.S. regions. It keeps the most part of contents and information consistent, but the CMS system enables for each dealership to change any price or information on their own term for any marketing needs. The design allows customers very easily to learn about Toyota cars and reserve it online. 

Company: Organic, Inc.

Position: Senior Art Director (Freelance)



Walmart sells 2 billion products on their e-commerce website and always explore a better way to organize the contents. I presented 4 concepts for a fashion and a furniture item detail page where requires to manage colors, sizes, and a number of photos and videos.

Company: @Walmart Labs

Position: Senior Art Director


Intuit QuickBooks

Intuit introduced an online version of their business accounting software, QuickBooks Online, in 2013. I joined their internal design team and offered a various strategic design solutions of their marketing site and tested them throughout the year.

Company: Intuit, Inc.

Position: Senior Art Director (Freelance)



T-Mobile launched their brand-new website in 2013 which was designed and developed by Rayzorfish. I was privileged to be part of the design team of three art directors. We split the entire site contents and conquered it in a perfect unison in a very rapid schedule.

Company: Razorfish

Position: Senior Art Director (Freelance)


Burton Snowboard

Burton has a youthful and fun brand image and needs to extend the presence on their website. I was a lead designer on this project. I maintained hip and rawness of Burton fans seek, and yet organize it with a structural order to be able to look for what fans want easily.

Company: Freestyle Interactive

Position: Senior Art Director

「若さ」「楽しさ」をブランドイメージに持つバートンにとって、ウェブサイト戦略は等しく重要でした。2007年に総リニューアルされるこのサイトはFreestyle Interactiveが担当し、私はリードデザイナーとして従事しました。バートンファンが求めるヒップとリアルさ、同時に探している物がすぐ見つかる構造の両立を探求したデザインです。